Thursday, December 15, 2011

My mom's garage gallery

Every time I see this, I feel just a little proud of myself. It reminds me that I've actually have been doing things with my life.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


It's been a while, I haven't been able to keep up with the sketches obviously. That is part of the reason for this post. I constantly try to push myself to do certain things, whether its a sketch a week or finishing a project early or doing a side project outside of class, and I constantly fail. I'm scared I don't love it enough. Some people tell me that how far I've come and everything I've done proves me wrong, but then I hear from other people who do what I'm trying to do that I need to be doing even more. I don't know if I got what it takes to make it. I guess I won't, until I do.

I changed the blog. I won't be doing a sketch a week, or trying to. I'm gonna post whatever I feel, whenever. You'll get some art, some poems, maybe a story or two, and probably a lot of post like this. As much as I fear not being able to be more than I am, I think I fear not knowing what I am more. So, essentially, I want to put out what's in me. Once it is out, maybe I can see what shape it takes.

Friday, August 19, 2011

No Church in the Wild

The world is under control of the King. Some say he's only a man, some say he's more. Some say he's the Anti-Christ, yet others say he's the Second Coming. Regardless, the entirety of the world is under his rule, and his only rule? There are no rules. All notions of civilization, law, order, religion, and morality or gone. The world as we knew it is no more, we now live in the Wild. But in a godless existence where humanity is slave to its deepest of carnal desires, does desire become god? And with a new god comes a new religion that may threaten the rule of the Wild. 

(a concept inspired by Kanye West & Jay-Z's No Church in the Wild feat. Frank Ocean)

Productivity ~part deux~

I like to pretend I'm counting money... but I'm not.
(I'm labeling stacks of fabric swatches)

We have a lot of flies. A LOT.

My dad is my boss. He looks like that.

This is inevitably what I end up doing at work.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Productivity (aka Bored at Work)

So, I was sitting there trying not to fall asleep and my co-worker was like, "Draw something on my cup." So I did. Then I was like, wait, I have a pen and paper. DONE!

Sunday, August 7, 2011


Quick sketch of another one of my favorite musical artists. I was scared of making her face too narrow so I might've made it too wide. Also, I was having a hard time deciding if I was going to try to do shadow or not (harsh black and white would've looked weird and I always have the worst time with hatching and what not). Anyway, I think the purpose of the exercise is paying off, it does look like Adele and her face is obviously different from the pic of Florence I drew a while back. 

Well, sorry for the lateness. Work is a life sucker. Later.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Getting Through the Rough Patch

So, there's this thing about artists and having super high expectations for themselves and then being super disappointed when they don't meet them. It's hard... but watch this.

This doesn't only apply to story tellers, but every type of creator. Part of the reason I created this blog was for this purpose and I'm totally slipping. I have work and it sucks and I get home and I'm tired and on the weekend I just wanna hang with my friends or rest. But I'm an artists, and I need to create art. So I will. Expect to see more from me.


Thursday, July 14, 2011

Florence (face study)

So, two interesting things you should know about Florence Welch of Florence and the Machine: she is awesome in concert (and seeing as that hers was the first and only concert I have yet to attend, opinion is extremely valuable) and that she and I share the same birthday.

So, I wanted to practice faces. I figured a good exercise would be to draw from a picture of someone and try to capture the uniqueness of their features in the simplified line form of comic drawing.

Florence has a lot of lines in her face around her cheeks and mouth, even when she's not smiling. These age her in real life so I knew they would do so more if I copied them completely. I tried to minimize them without totally getting rid of them, and I think I did alright. Tom Lyle might disagree, he would advise to avoid doing anything that makes a woman look like a man, or old, or like an old man.

But yeah, more later. Later.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Late again... again...

Okay, sorry guys. I'm slacking, I know. I WILL do something this week and I wanna say I will give you a double dose... maybe even triple, but I won't promise you things I can guarantee. I will guarantee something though. Soon. Don't loose your faith in me....

Thanks. Later.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Late... again

It was a long weekend. Fun, but long. And busy, not leaving much time for drawing. Shoulda' been sleep already, probably coulda' drawn something in the time I wasted basically doing nothing but I didn't, so...
Don't worry. I'll give you something later, maybe tomorrow.
(Not that anyone is paying attention to motivate me to keep up with my posts, but... yeah.)


Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Okay, first sketch of the blog. This is a character of mine, Spade. She is currently unplaced but I've recently been thinking of making her and another character the stars of an action adventure comic. The premise is basically that the two characters will be adventurers for hire. I want the feel of it to be in the area of Indiana Jones, Tomb Raider, and Uncharted. However, with Spade and her swords (and wait 'til you see her friend), I expect the action to be even higher than the afore mentioned franchises. Any comments and/or critiques are welcomed. Later.

Monday, June 27, 2011


Kay, so it's Monday the 27th and I haven't posted anything. I know what it looks like. But see, what had happened was... I stayed out a little too late last night and it wasn't until I got back that I realized the scanner wasn't connected to our computer like it used to be. I did draw something though... really, I did. I just need to get our scanner out of the garage and hook it up. Can't do that right now though, kinda need to be heading to work. But, my point is, I did a drawing and I'll put it up ASAP. I'm just kinda late is all.

Monday, June 13, 2011


So, I need to start thinking of what I'm gonna do for my senior project (which was another reason for starting this blog). I had an idea of gathering an inker and a colorist (and perhaps a letterer but who really wants to letter) and doing a full on mini-book. This wouldn't  be impossible, but the problem is i would have to work ahead of the curve so that the others could have time to finish all of their stuff behind my penciling. This is still an idea, but I I've recently been working at a slower pace than desired and I don't, as of now, trust myself to be studios and punctual enough to handle that task.

First thing first though, I need a story. I can revise something I've already written into a working script or write something new. Also, I need to decide how many pages I can do in a quarter (accounting for the work from other classes). A safe bet would be about ten, maybe twelve, but I want to push myself. I might post some of the story's I'm considering adapting to see what you all think of them.

Too much talking? Okay. I'm gonna start the art on the 26th. Right now I'm on vacation with Bern in New Jersey with her family. We've been in and out of the City a couple of times and I might be getting a feel for it. Living there is a different story though, but we'll see what the future holds. Check out Bern's blog too - Til next time people, later.