Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Getting Through the Rough Patch

So, there's this thing about artists and having super high expectations for themselves and then being super disappointed when they don't meet them. It's hard... but watch this.

This doesn't only apply to story tellers, but every type of creator. Part of the reason I created this blog was for this purpose and I'm totally slipping. I have work and it sucks and I get home and I'm tired and on the weekend I just wanna hang with my friends or rest. But I'm an artists, and I need to create art. So I will. Expect to see more from me.


Thursday, July 14, 2011

Florence (face study)

So, two interesting things you should know about Florence Welch of Florence and the Machine: she is awesome in concert (and seeing as that hers was the first and only concert I have yet to attend, opinion is extremely valuable) and that she and I share the same birthday.

So, I wanted to practice faces. I figured a good exercise would be to draw from a picture of someone and try to capture the uniqueness of their features in the simplified line form of comic drawing.

Florence has a lot of lines in her face around her cheeks and mouth, even when she's not smiling. These age her in real life so I knew they would do so more if I copied them completely. I tried to minimize them without totally getting rid of them, and I think I did alright. Tom Lyle might disagree, he would advise to avoid doing anything that makes a woman look like a man, or old, or like an old man.

But yeah, more later. Later.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Late again... again...

Okay, sorry guys. I'm slacking, I know. I WILL do something this week and I wanna say I will give you a double dose... maybe even triple, but I won't promise you things I can guarantee. I will guarantee something though. Soon. Don't loose your faith in me....

Thanks. Later.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Late... again

It was a long weekend. Fun, but long. And busy, not leaving much time for drawing. Shoulda' been sleep already, probably coulda' drawn something in the time I wasted basically doing nothing but I didn't, so...
Don't worry. I'll give you something later, maybe tomorrow.
(Not that anyone is paying attention to motivate me to keep up with my posts, but... yeah.)
