Thursday, December 15, 2011

My mom's garage gallery

Every time I see this, I feel just a little proud of myself. It reminds me that I've actually have been doing things with my life.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


It's been a while, I haven't been able to keep up with the sketches obviously. That is part of the reason for this post. I constantly try to push myself to do certain things, whether its a sketch a week or finishing a project early or doing a side project outside of class, and I constantly fail. I'm scared I don't love it enough. Some people tell me that how far I've come and everything I've done proves me wrong, but then I hear from other people who do what I'm trying to do that I need to be doing even more. I don't know if I got what it takes to make it. I guess I won't, until I do.

I changed the blog. I won't be doing a sketch a week, or trying to. I'm gonna post whatever I feel, whenever. You'll get some art, some poems, maybe a story or two, and probably a lot of post like this. As much as I fear not being able to be more than I am, I think I fear not knowing what I am more. So, essentially, I want to put out what's in me. Once it is out, maybe I can see what shape it takes.